
str(format, ...args)
str(format, args)

If called with one argument, returns string representation of such value.

Otherwise, returns a formatted string representing the expression. Arguments for formatting can either be provided as each consecutive parameter, or as a list which then would be the only extra parameter. To format one list argument , you can use str(list), or str('foo %s', [list]).

Accepts formatting style accepted by String.format(). Supported types (with "%<?>" syntax):

  • d, o, x: integers, octal, hex
  • a, e, f, g: floats
  • b: booleans
  • s: strings
  • %%: ‘%’ character
str(null) => 'null'
str(false) => 'false'
str('') => ''
str('3.14') => '3.14'
str([]) => '[]'
str(['']) => '[]'
str('foo') => 'foo'
str('3bar') => '3bar'
str(2)+str(2) => '22'
str('pi: %.2f',pi) => 'pi: 3.14'
str('player at: %d, %d, %d',pos(player())) => 'player at: 567, -2423, 124'