
try(expr, catch_expr)
try(expr, type, catch_expr, ...catch_exprs)

Evaluate an expression catching any exceptions thrown.

The exceptions can be thrown explicitly using throw() or internally by scarpet where code is correct but detects illegal state. The 2-argument form catches only user-thrown exceptions and one argument call try(expr) is equivalent to try(expr, null), or try(expr, 'user_exception', null). If multiple type-catch pairs are defined, the execution terminates on the first applicable type for the exception thrown. Therefore, even if the caught exception matches multiple filters, only the first matching block will be executed.

Catch expressions are evaluated with _ set to the value associated with the exception and _trace set to contain details about point of error (token, and line and column positions), call stack and local variables at the time of failure. The type will catch any exception of that type and any subtype of this type.

You can use try mechanism to exit from large portion of a convoluted call stack and continue program execution, although catching exceptions is typically much more expensive comparing to not throwing them.

The try function allows you to catch some scarpet exceptions for cases covering invalid data, like invalid blocks, biomes, dimensions and other things, that may have been modified by datapacks, resourcepacks or other mods, or when an error is outside of the programmers scope, such as problems when reading or decoding files.

Exception Types


Base type for all exceptions. 'exception' catches all exceptions that can be caught.


These exceptions are thrown if an invalid value is passed to a built-in function.

  • unknown_item
  • unknown_block
  • unknown_biome
  • unknown_sound
  • unknown_particle
  • unknown_poi_type
  • unknown_dimension
  • unknown_structure
  • unknown_criterion


This is the parent for any exception that occurs due to an error handling external data.

  • nbt_error Incorrect input/output NBT file.
  • json_error Incorrect input/output JSON data.
  • b64_error Incorrect input/output b64 (base 64) string


Exception thrown by default with throw function.


inner_call() -> (
    aaa = 'booyah';
      for(range(10), item_tags('stick'+_*'k')),
      print(_trace), // not caught, only catching user_exceptions

outer_call() -> (
        'exception', // catching everything


  stack: [[<app>, inner_call, 1, 14]],
  locals: {_a: 0, aaa: booyah, _: 1, _y: 0, _i: 1, _x: 0, _z: 0},
  token: [item_tags, 5, 23]