
set(pos, block,
set(pos, block, properties)
set(pos, block, properties, block_data)

First argument for the set function is either a coord triple, list of three numbers, or a world localized block value. Second argument, block, is either an existing block value, a result of block() function, or a string value indicating the block name with optional state and block data. It is then followed by an optional property - value pairs for extra block state (which can also be provided in a list or a map). Optional block_data include the block data to be set for the target block.

If block is specified only by name, then if a destination block is the same the set operation is skipped, otherwise is executed, for other potential extra properties that the original source block may have contained.

The returned value is either the block state that has been set, or false if block setting was skipped, or failed

Throws unknown_block if provided block to set is not valid

set(0,5,0,'bedrock')  => bedrock
set([0,5,0], 'bedrock')  => bedrock
set(block(0,5,0), 'bedrock')  => bedrock
scan(0,5,0,0,0,0,set(_,'bedrock'))  => 1
set(pos(player()), 'bedrock')  => bedrock
set(0,0,0,'bedrock')  => 0   // or 1 in overworlds generated in 1.8 and before
    // filling the area with glass
    // little bit faster due to internal caching of block state selectors
b = block('glass'); scan(0,100,0,20,20,20,set(_,b))
    // yet another option, skips all parsing
set(x,y,z,'iron_trapdoor')  // sets bottom iron trapdoor

set(x,y,z,'iron_trapdoor[half=top]')  // sets the top trapdoor
set(x,y,z,'iron_trapdoor','half','top') // also correct - top trapdoor
set(x,y,z,'iron_trapdoor', ['half','top']) // same
set(x,y,z,'iron_trapdoor', {'half' -> 'top'}) // same
set(x,y,z, block('iron_trapdoor[half=top]')) // also correct, block() provides extra parsing of block state

set(x,y,z,'hopper[facing=north]{Items:[{Slot:1b,id:"minecraft:slime_ball",Count:16b}]}') // extra block data
set(x,y,z,'hopper', {'facing' -> 'north'}, nbt('{Items:[{Slot:1b,id:"minecraft:slime_ball",Count:16b}]}') ) // same