
poi(pos, radius)
poi(pos, radius, type)
poi(pos, radius, type, status)
poi(pos, radius, type, status, column_search)

Queries a POI (Point of Interest) at a given position, returning null if none is found, or tuple of poi type and its occupancy load. With optional type, radius and status, returns a list of POIs around pos within a given radius. If the type is specified, returns only poi types of that types, or everything if omitted or 'any'. If status is specified (either 'any', 'available', or 'occupied') returns only POIs with that status. With column_search set to true, it will return all POIs in a cuboid with radius blocks away on x and z, in the entire block column from 0 to 255. Default (false) returns POIs within a spherical area centered on pos and with radius radius.

All results of poi calls are returned in sorted order with respect to the euclidean distance to the requested center of pos.

The return format of the results is a list of poi type, occupancy load, and extra triple of coordinates.

Querying for POIs using the radius is the intended use of POI mechanics, and the ability of accessing individual POIs via poi(pos) in only provided for completeness.

poi(x,y,z) => null  // nothing set at position
poi(x,y,z) => ['meeting',3]  // its a bell-type meeting point occupied by 3 villagers
poi(x,y,z,5) => []  // nothing around
poi(x,y,z,5) => [['nether_portal',0,[7,8,9]],['nether_portal',0,[7,9,9]]] // two portal blocks in the range