
plop(pos, what)

Plops a structure or a feature at a given pos, so block, triple position coordinates or a list of coordinates. To what gets plopped and exactly where it often depends on the feature or structure itself.

Requires a Structure Type, Structure, World Generation Feature or Custom Scarpet Feature name (see above). If standard name is used, the variant of the structure may depend on the biome, otherwise the default structure for this type will be generated.

All structures are chunk aligned, and often span multiple chunks. Repeated calls to plop a structure in the same chunk would result either in the same structure generated on top of each other, or with different state, but same position. Most structures generate at specific altitudes, which are hardcoded, or with certain blocks around them. API will cancel all extra position / biome / random requirements for structure / feature placement, but some hardcoded limitations may still cause some of structures/features not to place. Some features require special blocks to be present, like coral -> water or ice spikes -> snow block, and for some features, like fossils, placement is all sorts of messed up. This can be partially avoided for structures by setting their structure information via set_structure, which sets it without looking into world blocks, and then use plop to fill it with blocks. This may, or may not work.

All generated structures will retain their properties, like mob spawning, however in many cases the world / dimension itself has certain rules to spawn mobs, like plopping a nether fortress in the overworld will not spawn nether mobs, because nether mobs can spawn only in the nether, but plopped in the nether - will behave like a valid nether fortress.