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place_item(item, pos, facing, sneak)

Uses a given item in the world like it was used by a player. Item names are default minecraft item name, less the minecraft prefix. Default facing is ‘up’, but there are other options: ‘down’, ’north’, ’east’, ‘south’, ‘west’, but also there are other secondary directions important for placement of blocks like stairs, doors, etc. Try experiment with options like ’north-up’ which is placed facing north with cursor pointing to the upper part of the block, or ‘up-north’, which means a block placed facing up (player looking down) and placed smidge away of the block center towards north. Optional sneak is a boolean indicating if a player would be sneaking while placing the block - this option only affects placement of chests and scaffolding at the moment.

Works with items that have the right-click effect on the block placed, like bone_meal on grass or axes on logs, but doesn’t open chests / containers, so have no effect on interactive blocks, like TNT, comparators, etc.

Returns true if placement/use was successful, false otherwise.

Throws unknown_item if item doesn’t exist

place_item('stone',x,y,z) // places a stone block on x,y,z block
place_item('piston,x,y,z,'down') // places a piston facing down
place_item('carrot',x,y,z) // attempts to plant a carrot plant. Returns true if could place carrots at that position.
place_item('bone_meal',x,y,z) // attempts to bonemeal the ground.
place_item('wooden_axe',x,y,z) // attempts to strip the log.