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create_explosion(pos, power)
create_explosion(pos, power, mode)
create_explosion(pos, power, mode, fire)
create_explosion(pos, power, mode, fire, source)
create_explosion(pos, power, mode, fire, source, attacker)

Creates an explosion at the given position.


  • power — how strong the blast is, negative values count as 0 (default: 4 (TNT power))
  • mode — how to deal with broken blocks: keep keeps them, destroy destroys them and drops items, and destroy_with_decay destroys them, but doesn’t always drop the items (default: destroy_with_decay)
  • fire — whether extra fire blocks should be created (default: false)
  • source — entity that is exploding. Note that it will not take explosion damage from this explosion (default: null)
  • attacker — entity responsible for triggering, this will be displayed in death messages, and count towards kill counts, and can be damaged by the explosion (default: null)

Explosions created with this endpoint cannot be captured with __on_explosion event, however they will be captured by __on_explosion_outcome.