
biome(pos/name, feature)

Without arguments, returns the list of biomes in the world.

With block, or name, returns the name of the biome in that position, or throws 'unknown_biome' if provided biome or block are not valid.

(1.18+) if passed a map of continentalness, depth, erosion, humidity, temperature, weirdness, returns the biome that exists at those noise values. Note: Have to pass all 6 of the mentioned noise types and only these noise types for it to evaluate a biome.

With an optional feature, it returns value for the specified attribute for that biome. Available and queryable features include:

  • 'top_material': unlocalized block representing the top surface material (1.17.1 and below only)
  • 'under_material': unlocalized block representing what sits below topsoil (1.17.1 and below only)
  • 'category': the parent biome this biome is derived from. Possible values include (1.18.2 and below only): 'none', 'taiga', 'extreme_hills', 'jungle', 'mesa', 'plains', 'savanna', 'icy', 'the_end', 'beach', 'forest', 'ocean', 'desert', 'river', 'swamp', 'mushroom' , 'nether', 'underground' (1.18+) and 'mountain' (1.18+).
  • 'tags': list of biome tags associated with this biome
  • 'temperature': temperature from 0 to 1
  • 'fog_color': RGBA color value of fog
  • 'foliage_color': RGBA color value of foliage
  • 'sky_color': RGBA color value of sky
  • 'water_color': RGBA color value of water
  • 'water_fog_color': RGBA color value of water fog
  • 'humidity': value from 0 to 1 indicating how wet is the biome
  • 'precipitation': 'rain' 'snot', or 'none'… ok, maybe 'snow', but that means snots for sure as well.
  • 'depth': (1.17.1 and below only) float value indicating how high or low the terrain should generate. Values > 0 indicate generation above sea level and values < 0, below sea level.
  • 'scale': (1.17.1 and below only) float value indicating how flat is the terrain.
  • 'features': list of features that generate in the biome, grouped by generation steps
  • 'structures': (1.17.1 and below only) list of structures that generate in the biome.