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screen_property(screen, property, value)

Queries or modifies a certain property of a screen. The property is a string with the name of the property. When called with screen and property parameter, returns the current value of the property. When specifying a value, the property will be assigned the new value and synced with the client.

Options for property string:

propertyRequired screen typeTypeDescription
nameAlltextThe name of the screen, as specified in the create_screen() function. Can only be queried.
openAllbooleanReturns true if the screen is open, false otherwise. Can only be queried.
fuel_progressfurnace/smoker/blast_furnacenumberCurrent value of the fuel indicator.
max_fuel_progressfurnace/smoker/blast_furnacenumberMaximum value for the full fuel indicator.
cook_progressfurnace/smoker/blast_furnacenumberCooking progress indicator value.
max_cook_progressfurnace/smoker/blast_furnacenumberMaximum value for the cooking progress indicator.
level_costanvilnumberDisplayed level cost for the anvil.
pagelecternnumberOpened page in the lectern screen.
beacon_levelbeaconnumberThe power level of the beacon screen. This affects how many effects under primary power are grayed out. Should be a value between 0-5.
primary_effectbeaconnumberThe effect id of the primary effect. This changes the effect icon on the button on the secondary power side next to the regeneration effect.
secondary_effectbeaconnumberThe effect id of the secondary effect. This seems to change nothing, but it exists.
brew_timebrewing_standnumberThe brewing time indicator value. This goes from 0 to 400.
brewing_fuelbrewing_standnumberThe fuel indicator progress. Values range between 0 to 20.
enchantment_power_xenchantmentnumberThe level cost of the shown enchantment. Replace x with 1, 2 or 3 (e.g. enchantment_power_2) to target the first, second or third enchantment.
enchantment_id_xenchantmentnumberThe id of the enchantment shown (replace x with the enchantment slot 1/2/3).
enchantment_level_xenchantmentnumberThe enchantment level of the enchantment.
enchantment_seedenchantmentnumberThe seed of the enchanting screen. This affects the text shown in the standard Galactic alphabet.
banner_patternloomnumberThe selected banner pattern inside the loom.
stonecutter_recipestonecutternumberThe selected recipe in the stonecutter.