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inventory_find(inventory, item, start_slot)

Finds the first slot with a corresponding item in the inventory, or if queried with null: the first empty slot. Returns slot number if found, or null otherwise. Optional start_slot argument allows to skip all preceeding slots allowing for efficient (so not slot-by-slot) inventory search for items.

inventory_find(player(), 'stone') => 0 // player has stone in first hotbar slot
inventory_find(player(), null) => null // player's inventory has no empty spot
while( (slot = inventory_find(p, 'diamond', slot)) != null, 41, drop_item(p, slot) )
    // spits all diamonds from player inventory wherever they are
inventory_drop(x,y,z, 0) => 64 // removed and spawned in the world a full stack of items

Throws unknown_item if item doesn’t exist.