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create_screen(player, type, name, callback)

Creates and opens a screen for a player.

Available types:

  • anvil
  • beacon
  • blast_furnace
  • brewing_stand
  • cartography_table
  • crafting
  • enchantment
  • furnace
  • generic_3x3
  • generic_9x1
  • generic_9x2
  • generic_9x3
  • generic_9x4
  • generic_9x5
  • generic_9x6
  • grindstone
  • hopper
  • lectern
  • loom
  • merchant
  • shulker_box
  • smithing
  • smoker
  • stonecutter

The name parameter can be a formatted text and will be displayed at the top of the screen. Some screens like the lectern or beacon screen don’t show it.

Optionally, a callback function can be passed as the fourth argument. This functions needs to have four parameters: _(screen, player, action, data) -> ...

The screen parameter is the screen value of the screen itself. player is the player who interacted with the screen. action is a string corresponding to the interaction type. Can be any of the following:

Slot interactions:

  • pickup
  • quick_move
  • swap
  • clone
  • throw
  • quick_craft
  • pickup_all

The data for this interaction is a map, with a slot and button value. slot is the slot index of the slot that was clicked. When holding an item in the cursor stack and clicking inside the screen, but not in a slot, this is -1. If clicked outside the screen (where it would drop held items), this value is null. The button is the mouse button used to click the slot.

For the swap action, the button is the number key 0-8 for a certain hotbar slot.

For the quick_craft action, the data also contains the quick_craft_stage, which is either 0 (beginning of quick crafting), 1 (adding item to slot) or 2 (end of quick crafting).

Other interactions:

  • button Pressing a button in certain screens that have button elements (enchantment table, lectern, loom and stonecutter) The data provides a button, which is the index of the button that was pressed. Note that for lecterns, this index can be certain a value above 100, for jumping to a certain page. This can come from formatted text inside the book, with a change_page click event action.

  • close Triggers when the screen gets closed. No data provided.

  • select_recipe When clicking on a recipe in the recipe book. data contains a recipe, which is the identifier of the clicked recipe, as well as craft_all, which is a boolean specifying whether shift was pressed when selecting the recipe.

  • slot_update Gets called after a slot has changed contents. data provides a slot and stack.

By returning a string 'cancel' in the callback function, the screen interaction can be cancelled. This doesn’t work for the close action.

The create_screen function returns a screen value, which can be used in all inventory related functions to access the screens’ slots. The screen inventory covers all slots in the screen and the player inventory. The last slot is the cursor stack of the screen, meaning that using -1 can be used to modify the stack the players’ cursor is holding.