
Most functions in this category require inventory as the first argument. Inventory could be specified by an entity, or a block, or position (three coordinates) of a potential block with inventory, or can be preceded with inventory type. Inventory type can be null (default), 'enderchest' denoting player enderchest storage, or 'equipment' applying to entities hand and armour pieces. Then the type can be followed by entity, block or position coordinates. For instance, player enderchest inventory requires two arguments, keyword 'enderchest', followed by the player entity argument, (or a single argument as a string of a form: 'enderchest_steve' for legacy support). If your player name starts with 'enderchest_', first of all, tough luck, but then it can be always accessed by passing a player entity value. If all else fails, it will try to identify first three arguments as coordinates of a block position of a block inventory. Player inventories can also be called by their name.

A few living entities can have both: their regular inventory, and their equipment inventory. Player’s regular inventory already contains the equipment, but you can access the equipment part as well, as well as their enderchest separately. For entity types that only have their equipment inventory, the equipment is returned by default (null type).

If that’s confusing see examples under inventory_size on how to access inventories. All other inventory_...() functions use the same scheme.

If the entity or a block doesn’t have an inventory, all API functions typically do nothing and return null.

Most items returned are in the form of a triple of item name, count, and nbt or the extra data associated with an item.