

With no arguments, it returns the calling player or the player closest to the caller. For player-scoped apps (which is a default) its always the owning player or null if it not present even if some code still runs in their name. Note that the main context will receive p variable pointing to this player. With type or name specified, it will try first to match a type, returning a list of players matching a type, and if this fails, will assume its player name query retuning player with that name, or null if no player was found. With 'all', list of all players in the game, in all dimensions, so end user needs to be cautious, that you might be referring to wrong blocks and entities around the player in question. With type = '*' it returns all players in caller dimension, 'survival' returns all survival and adventure players, 'creative' returns all creative players, 'spectating' returns all spectating players, and '!spectating', all not-spectating players. If all fails, with name, the player in question, if he/she is logged in.