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team_property(team, property)
team_property(team, property, value)

Reads the property of the team if no value is specified. If a value is added as a third argument, it sets the property to that value.

  • collisionRule

    • Type: String
    • Options: always, never, pushOtherTeams, pushOwnTeam
  • color

  • displayName

    • Type: String or FormattedText, when querying returns FormattedText
  • prefix

    • Type: String or FormattedText, when querying returns FormattedText
  • suffix

    • Type: String or FormattedText, when querying returns FormattedText
  • friendlyFire

    • Type: boolean
  • seeFriendlyInvisibles

    • Type: boolean
  • nametagVisibility

    • Type: String
    • Options: always, never, hideForOtherTeams, hideForOwnTeam
  • deathMessageVisibility

    • Type: String
    • Options: always, never, hideForOtherTeams, hideForOwnTeam


// Make the team color for team 'admin' dark red
team_property('admin', 'color', 'dark_red');
// Set prefix of all players in 'admin'
team_property('admin', 'prefix', format('r Admin | '));
// Set display name for team 'admin'
team_property('admin', 'display_name', 'Administrators');
// Make all players in 'admin' see other admins even when invisible
team_property('admin', 'seeFriendlyInvisibles', true);
// Make all players in 'admin' see other admins even when invisible
team_property('admin', 'deathMessageVisibility', 'hideForOtherTeams');