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signal_event(event, ...args)

Fires a specific event. If the event does not exist (only handle_event creates missing new events), or provided argument list was not matching the callee expected arguments, returns null, otherwise returns number of apps notified. If target_player is specified and not null triggers a player specific event, targeting only player scoped apps for that player. Apps with globals scope will not be notified even if they handle this event. If the target_player is omitted or null, it will target global scoped apps and all instances of player scoped apps. Note that all built-in player events have a player as a first argument, so to trigger these events, you need to provide them twice - once to specify the target player scope and second - to provide as an argument to the handler function.

signal_event('player_breaks_block', player, player, block); // to target all player scoped apps
signal_event('player_breaks_block', null  , player, block); // to target all global scoped apps and all player instances
signal_event('tick'); // trigger all apps with a tick event