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particle(name, pos)
particle(name, pos, count)
particle(name, pos, count, spread)
particle(name, pos, count, spread, speed)
particle(name, pos, count, spread, speed, player)

Renders a cloud of particles name centered around pos position, by default count 10 of them, default speed of 0, and to all players nearby, but these options can be changed via optional arguments. Follow vanilla /particle command on details on those options. Valid particle names are for example 'angry_villager', 'item diamond', 'block stone', 'dust 0.8 0.1 0.1 4'.

Used with no arguments, return the list of available particle names. Note that some of the names do not correspond to a valid particle that can be fed to particle(...) function due to a fact that some particles need more configuration to be valid, like dust, block etc. Should be used as a reference only.

Throws unknown_particle if particle doesn’t exist.