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draw_shape(shape, duration, ...attributes)
draw_shape(shape, duration, attributes)

Draws a shape in the world that will expire in duration ticks. Other attributes of the shape should be provided as consecutive key - value argument pairs, either as next arguments, or packed in a list, or supplied as a proper key-value map. Arguments may include shared shape attributes, which are all optional, as well as shape-specific attributes, that could be either optional or required. Shapes will draw properly on all carpet clients. Other connected players that don’t have carpet installed will still be able to see the required shapes in the form of dust particles. Replacement shapes are not required to follow all attributes precisely, but will allow vanilla clients to receive some experience of your apps. One of the attributes that will definitely not be honored is the duration - particles will be send once per shape and last whatever they typically last in the game.

Shapes can be send one by one, using either of the first three invocations, or batched as a list of shape descriptors. Batching has this benefit that they will be send possibly as one packet, limiting network overhead of sending many small packets to draw several shapes at once. The drawback of sending shapes is batches is that they need to address the same list of players, i.e. if multiple players from the list target different players, all shapes will be sent to all of them.

Shapes will fail to draw and raise a runtime error if not all its required parameters are specified and all available shapes have some parameters that are required, so make sure to have them in place:

On the client, shapes can recognize that they are being redrawn again with the same parameters, disregarding the duration parameter. This updates the expiry on the drawn shape to the new value, instead of adding new shape in its place. This can be used for toggling the shapes on and off that has been send previously with very large durations, or simply refresh the shapes periodically in more dynamic applications.

Optional shared shape attributes:

  • color - integer value indicating the main color of the shape in the form of red, green, blue and alpha components in the form of 0xRRGGBBAA, with the default of -1, so white opaque, or 0xFFFFFFFF.
  • player - name or player entity to send the shape to, or a list of players. If specified, the shapes will appear only for the specified players (regardless where they are), otherwise it will be send to all players in the current dimension.
  • line - (Deprecated) line thickness, defaults to 2.0pt. Not supported in 1.17’s 3.2 core GL renderer.
  • fill - color for the faces, defaults to no fill. Use color attribute format
  • follow - entity, or player name. Shape will follow an entity instead of being static. Follow attribute requires all positional arguments to be relative to the entity and disallow of using entity or block as position markers. You must specify positions as a triple.
  • snap - if follow is present, indicated on which axis the snapping to entity coordinates occurs, and which axis will be treated statically, i.e. the coordinate passed in a coord triple is the actual value in the world. Default value is 'xyz', meaning the shape will be drawn relatively to the entity in all three directions. Using xz for instance makes so that the shape follows the entity, but stays at the same, absolute Y coordinate. Preceeding an axis with d, like dxdydz would make so that entity position is treated discretely (rounded down).
  • debug - if True, it will only be visible when F3+B entity bounding boxes is enabled.
  • facing - applicable only to 'text', 'block' or ‘item' shapes, where its facing. Possible options are:
    • player: Default. Element always rotates to face the player eye position,
    • camera: Element is placed on the plane orthogonal to player look vector,
    • north, south, east, west, up, down: obvious

Available shapes:

  • 'line' - draws a straight line between two points.

    • Required attributes:
      • from - triple coordinates, entity, or block value indicating one end of the line
      • to - other end of the line, same format as from
  • 'box' - draws a box with corners in specified points

    • Required attributes:
      • from - triple coordinates, entity, or block value indicating one corner of the box
      • to - other corner, same format as from
  • 'sphere':

    • Required attributes:
      • center - center of the sphere
      • radius - radius of the sphere
    • Optional attributes:
      • level - level of details, or grid size. The more the denser your sphere. Default level of 0, means that the level of detail will be selected automatically based on radius.
  • 'cylinder':

    • Required attributes:
      • center - center of the base
      • radius - radius of the base circle
    • Optional attributes:
      • axis - cylinder direction, one of 'x', 'y', 'z' defaults to 'y'
      • height - height of the cyllinder, defaults to 0, so flat disk. Can be negative.
      • level - level of details, see 'sphere'.
  • 'polygon':

    • Required attributes:
      • points - list of points defining vertices of the polygon
    • Optional attributes:
      • relative - list of bools. vertices of the polygon that affected by ‘follow’. Could be a single bools to affact allpoints too. Default means that every point is affacted.
      • mode - how those points are connected. may be “polygon”(default),“strip” or “triangles”. “polygon” means that it will be viewed as vertices of a polygon center on the first one. “strip” means that it will be viewed as a triangles strip. “triangles” means that it will be viewed as some triangles that are not related to each other (therefor length of points in this mode have to be a multiple of 3).
      • inner - if true it will make the inner edges be drawn as well.
      • doublesided - if true it will make the shapes visible from the back as well. Default is true.
  • 'label' - draws a text in the world. Default line attribute controls main font color. fill controls the color of the background.

    • Required attributes:
      • pos - position
      • text - string or formatted text to display
    • Optional attributes
      • value - string or formatted text to display instead of the main text. value unlike text is not used to determine uniqueness of the drawn text so can be used to display smoothly dynamic elements where value of an element is constantly changing and updates to it are being sent from the server.
      • size - float. Default font size is 10.
      • doublesided - if true it will make the text visible from the back as well. Default is false (1.16+)
      • align - text alignment with regards to pos. Default is center (displayed text is centered with respect to pos), left (pos indicates beginning of text), and right (pos indicates the end of text).
      • tilt, lean, turn - additional rotations of the text on the canvas along all three axis
      • indent, height, raise - offsets for text rendering on X (indent), Y (height), and Z axis (raise) with regards to the plane of the text. One unit of these corresponds to 1 line spacing, which can be used to display multiple lines of text bound to the same pos
  • 'block': draws a block at the specified position:

    • Required attributes:
      • pos - position of the object.
      • block - the object to show. It is a block value or a name of a block with optional NBT data.
    • Optional attributes:
      • tilt, lean, turn - additional rotations along all three axis. It uses the block center as the origin.
      • scale - scale of it in 3 axis-direction. should be a number or a list of 3 numbers (x,y,z).
      • skylight, blocklight - light level. omit it to use local light level. should between 0~15.
  • 'item': draws an item at the specified position:

    • Required attributes:
      • pos - position of the object.
      • item - the object to show. It is an item tuple or a string identified item that may have NBT data.
    • Optional attributes:
      • tilt, lean, turn - additional rotations along all three axis. for block, it use its block center as the origin.
      • scale - scale of it in 3 axis-direction. should be a number or a list of 3 numbers (x,y,z).
      • skylight, blocklight - light level. omit it to use local light level. should between 0~15.
      • variant - one of 'none', 'thirdperson_lefthand', 'thirdperson_righthand', 'firstperson_lefthand', 'firstperson_righthand', 'head', 'gui', 'ground', 'fixed'. In addition to the literal meaning, it can also be used to use special models of tridents and telescopes. This attribute is experimental and use of it will change in the future.