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create_datapack(name, data)

Creates and loads custom datapack. The data has to be a map representing the file structure and the content of the json files of the target pack.

Returns null if the pack with this name already exists or is loaded, meaning no change has been made. Returns false if adding of the datapack wasn’t successful. Returns true if creation and loading of the datapack was successful. Loading of a datapack results in reloading of all other datapacks (vanilla restrictions, identical to /datapack enable), however unlike with /reload command, scarpet apps will not be reloaded by adding a datapack using create_datapack.

Currently, only json/nbt/mcfunction files are supported in the packs. 'pack.mcmeta' file is added automatically.

Reloading of datapacks that define new dimensions is not implemented in vanilla. Vanilla game only loads dimension information on server start. create_datapack is therefore a direct replacement of manually ploping of the specified file structure in a datapack file and calling /datapack enable on the new datapack with all its quirks and sideeffects (like no worldgen changes, reloading all other datapacks, etc.). To enable newly added custom dimensions, call much more experimental enable_hidden_dimensions() after adding a datapack if needed.


create_datapack('foo', {
    'foo' -> {
        'bar.json' -> {
            'c' -> true,
            'd' -> false,
            'e' -> {
              'foo' -> [1, 2, 3],
            'a' -> 'foobar',
            'b' -> 5,

Custom dimension example:

// 1.17
create_datapack('funky_world',  {
    'data' -> { 'minecraft' -> { 'dimension' -> { 'custom_ow.json' -> {
        'type' -> 'minecraft:the_end',
        'generator' -> {
            'biome_source' -> {
                 'seed' -> 0,
                 'large_biomes' -> false,
                 'type' -> 'minecraft:vanilla_layered'
            'seed' -> 0,
            'settings' -> 'minecraft:nether',
            'type' -> 'minecraft:noise'
    } } } } }

// 1.18
a() -> create_datapack('funky_world',  {
   'data' -> { 'minecraft' -> { 'dimension' -> { 'custom_ow.json' -> {
      'type' -> 'minecraft:overworld',
         'generator' -> {
            'biome_source' -> {
               'biomes' -> [
                     'parameters' -> {
                        'erosion' -> [-1.0,1.0],
                        'depth' -> 0.0,
                        'weirdness' -> [-1.0,1.0],
                        'offset' -> 0.0,
                        'temperature' -> [-1.0,1.0],
                        'humidity' -> [-1.0,1.0],
                        'continentalness' -> [ -1.2,-1.05]
                     'biome' -> 'minecraft:mushroom_fields'
               'type' -> 'minecraft:multi_noise'
            'seed' -> 0,
            'settings' -> 'minecraft:overworld',
            'type' -> 'minecraft:noise'
     } } } }

Loot table example:

create_datapack('silverfishes_drop_gravel', {
    'data' -> { 'minecraft' -> { 'loot_tables' -> { 'entities' -> { 'silverfish.json' -> {
        'type' -> 'minecraft:entity',
        'pools' -> [
                'rolls' -> {
                    'min' -> 0,
                    'max' -> 1
                'entries' -> [
                        'type' -> 'minecraft:item',
                        'name' -> 'minecraft:gravel'
    } } } } }

Recipe example:

create_datapack('craftable_cobwebs', {
    'data' -> { 'scarpet' -> { 'recipes' -> { 'cobweb.json' -> {
        'type' -> 'crafting_shaped',
        'pattern' -> [
        'key' -> {
            'S' -> {
                'item' -> 'minecraft:string'
        'result' -> {
            'item' -> 'minecraft:cobweb',
            'count' -> 1
    } } } }

Function example:

create_datapack('example', {'data/test/functions/talk.mcfunction' -> 'say 1\nsay 2'});