
bossbar(id, property)
bossbar(id, property, value)

Manage bossbars just like with the /bossbar command.

Without any arguments, returns a list of all bossbars.

When an id is specified, creates a bossbar with that id and returns the id of the created bossbar. Bossbar ids need a namespace and a name. If no namespace is specified, it will automatically use minecraft:. In that case you should keep track of the bossbar with the id that bossbar(id) returns, because a namespace may be added automatically. If the id was invalid (for example by having more than one colon), returns null. If the bossbar already exists, returns false.

bossbar('timer') => 'minecraft:timer' (Adds the namespace minecraft: because none is specified)

bossbar('scarpet:test') => 'scarpet:test' In this case there is already a namespace specified

bossbar('foo:bar:baz') => null Invalid identifier

bossbar(id, property) is used to query the property of a bossbar.

bossbar(id, property, value) can modify the property of the bossbar to a specified value.

Available properties are:

  • color: can be 'pink', 'blue', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'purple' or 'white'
  • style: can be 'progress', 'notched_6', 'notched_10', 'notched_12' or 'notched_20'
  • value: value of the bossbar progress
  • max: maximum value of the bossbar progress, by default 100
  • name: Text to display above the bossbar, supports formatted text
  • visible: whether the bossbar is visible or not
  • players: List of players that can see the bossbar
  • add_player: add a player to the players that can see this bossbar, this can only be used for modifying (value must be present)
  • remove: remove this bossbar, no value required
bossbar('script:test','name',format('rb Test'))  -> Change text
bossbar('script:test','visible',false)  -> removes visibility, but keeps players
bossbar('script:test','players',player('all'))  -> Visible for all players
bossbar('script:test','players',player('Steve'))  -> Visible for Steve only
bossbar('script:test','players',null)  -> Invalid player, removing all players
bossbar('script:test','add_player',player('Alex'))  -> Add Alex to the list of players that can see the bossbar
bossbar('script:test','remove')  -> remove bossbar 'script:test'
for(bossbar(),bossbar(_,'remove'))  -> remove all bossbars