
simplex(x, y)
simplex(x, y, z)
simplex(x, y, z, seed)

Returns a noise value from 0.0 to 1.0 (roughly) for 2 or 3 dimensional coordinate. The default seed it samples from is 0, but seed can be specified as a 4th argument as well. In case you need 2D noise values with custom seed, use null for z argument.

Simplex noise is based on a triangular grid and generates smoother maps comparing to Perlin. To sample 1D simplex noise, affix other coordinate to a constant.

Thou shall not sample from noise changing seed frequently. Scarpet will keep track of the last 256 simplex seeds used for sampling providing similar speed comparing to the default seed of 0. In case the app engine uses more than 256 seeds at the same time, switching between them can get much more expensive.