
get(container, address, ...addresses)

Returns the value at address element from the value. For lists it indicates an index, use negative numbers to reach elements from the end of the list. get call will always be able to find the index. In case there is few items, it will loop over

for maps, retrieves the value under the key specified in the address or null otherwise

[Minecraft specific usecase]: In case value is of nbt type, uses address as the nbt path to query, returning null, if path is not found, one value if there was one match, or list of values if result is a list. Returned elements can be of numerical type, string texts, or another compound nbt tags

In case to simplify the access with nested objects, you can add chain of addresses to the arguments of get rather than calling it multiple times. get(get(foo,a),b) is equivalent to get(foo, a, b), or foo:a:b.

get([range(10)], 5)  => 5
get([range(10)], -1)  => 9
get([range(10)], 10)  => 0
[range(10)]:93  => 3
get(player() ~ 'nbt', 'Health') => 20 // inefficient way to get player health, use player() ~ 'health' instead
get({ 'foo' -> 2, 'bar' -> 3, 'baz' -> 4 }, 'bar')  => 3